Larry Smith: “Proverbs”

(for Mike James)

They say the moon is an orange we should not eat.
They say sweat on your neck brings good luck.
They say to brag is to cut off a toe at a time.
They say your virtues are your grandchildren; hold them close.
They say tomorrow will be like today, only the weather will change.
They say speak gently to the old, they are a bridge you must pass over.
They say robins speak to robins, crows to crows.
They say grief has many faces, depression only one.
They say kindness is a seed we plant in each other.
They say.

About the Author: Larry Smith is a poet, fiction writer, memoirist and editor of Bottom Dog Press books in Ohio. He and his wife Ann cofounded a meditation center in Huron, Ohio. His most recent book is CONNECTIONS: Moring Dew: Tanka. 

Image Credit: Image originally from The Birds of North America. New York :Published under the auspices of the Natural Science Association of America,1903. Courtesy of the Biodiversity Heritage Library

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